11 September 2010

A fishing irony

While my friends were driving South yesterday to take a part in our club's freshwater field day / weekend, I was driving North to come home.
I have some work to be done by this weekend, so spending a whole weekend chasing fish was unfortunately not an option.

Anyway, it turned out that I had a bit of time to go fishing this afternoon, so I went bream fishing for a hour or so instead. An irony was, I hooked up a good fish which I haven't caught for some time during this winter. It was one fine fish, and I would not catch it, if I was gone South. Watching the fish swimming away, I thought missing the field day wasn't that bad after all.



A good start, I thought.

It was a fine fish.

Looks like a new hook did a good job.

Canon D10

09 September 2010

Spring flower

Flowers of Prunus are blooming in our school yard which remind me of Japanese spring.

I went to fish after work today. It felt like fish were chasing flies better than last week and water was bit warmer today. Spring has arrived, I think.



Canon D10

05 September 2010

One small fish

May be it got to do with the small amount of rain we had this winter, or there may be a better explanation that we are not aware of, but
I think fishing has been very slow this winter.

Normally we catch some very good size fish in winter, but we haven't got much so far, and it looks like the winter is over anyway.

We fished on Canning River this morning, and I got only one fish which was slightly bigger than my friend's sailfish fly. Fishing was so slow, and we decide to move to Swan, but it was the same result. We moved around a lot to find fish, but found nothing at the end.

何 となく今年の冬はあまり良い釣果が無かった様に感じます。例年なら良いサイズの魚を数匹獲れるのですが、今年の結果はまったくの平凡。そして、そうこうし ている間にどうやら冬は終わってしまったようです。いつもより雨が少なかったので、その辺りが影響しているのかもしれません。


Canon D10

Happy new season

A trout season 2010 - 2011 has opened.

My friend and I had our first trout fishing trip, and thanks fish god, we both caught our first trout of the new season. I would like to thank my friend for sharing a good day with me.


Canon D10

on my friend's Nikon D90