08 October 2009

Grunter Highway

If trout and bream had a baby between them, I think it would look like yellowtail grunter.

They have trout like spots, a bream like spiky dorsal fin, and their body is something like a half way between bream and trout. A streamline head and shoulder finished with a stocky tail end.

They only grow to 28 cm or so, but fun to catch on light rods as they put a fair fight for their size (they pull harder than trout and bream of the same size, I think).

Yellowtail grunterというWAの汽水域でよく釣れる魚です。見た目は、トラウトとクロダイを足して二で割った様な感じです。大きくても30cmの魚ですが、同じサイズのトラウトとクロダイよりも引きは少しばかり強いです。 

We found a big school of grunters on Canning river yesterday. The place should be called Grunter Highway because we could see so many of them feeding and cruising in a relatively small area (they were almost lining up in one big line).

Sometime we catch them on every single cast, but other time they can be very picky on fly patterns and how they are being fished. Today they were bit shy but we still managed to land few at the end.


A hitchhiker found on the high way today.

Pentax Optio WPi

1 comment:

Adelaide said...

Thanks for this interesting post. Great pictures.
