12 June 2011

Shrimp gathering

I found lots and lots of these shrimps floating along the bank edge today. I also saw them jumping out of water being chased by fish.

With one scoop with my landing net, I ended up with a big handful of them. Unlike bait fish, they don't move much, so it was very easy to scoop them up, and I am sure fish find them easier to capture too.

I was still catching fish (I got 8 today) on minnow patterns, but I will try a shrimp pattern next weekend to see if I get a better result.





Rendier said...

Never realised just how translucent the shrimps are! Will try and tie a better imitation.

Yosuke said...

Hello Rendier

Yes, they are as clear as jelly.

In the area I fish, there is another kind of shrimps too. Their bodies are clear like these guys, but with olive markings. Also, their antennae are clear not red.