06 September 2013

A simple logic

I don't know how much cognitive ability fish possesses, nor I have a definitive understanding of what makes fish to attack their prey, but If my flies look and move like those real creatures that I find in the water, fish surely won't mind eating them.  This is a simple logic that I use when it comes to fly patterns. 

I often sit on the river bank and watch how bait fish moves with the current or hides under a rock. I sometime wade in the river at night with a torch in my hand to find out what kinds of shrimps and crabs are there.I then apply my findings to my fly design.

I believe that this approach leads me to much better understanding of those little creatures that fish eat and gives a better chance of creating something works well.  It is far better than spending money on fly tying books and DVDs or trying to steal someone else's fly box.

If you are new to fly fishing and got stuck with which flies to use, I recommend you to go to a local river and estuary and catch some bait. Put them in a little clear plastic container and watch how they really look like in the water. Pay attention to their size, colour, and movement.

This will reveal some nature's secrets, and all you have to do is to tie something looks like them.  If they look real, fish will be happy to eat it.


ところで、鱒釣りの世界では、Match the Hatch という言葉が古くからありますが、海のフライフィッシングは、それに比べて随分と適当な感じがします。地元のフライショップのフライコーナーには、キラキラした光り物を沢山巻き込んだピンクやオレンジや紫などのド派手な海用のフライが沢山売っています。


Fishing was great on the last weekend. It seems that the tides had been on the good phase.

This was the best fish of the last weekend.

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