03 March 2010

Space Invaders

This is a squid pattern that I tied the other day. It is designed for chasing herrings at a river mouth and those cleaver breams around harbours at night.

This new tentacle friend reminds me of those l
ittle space creatures from a famous arcade game, "Space Invaders".

When I was little, my grandfather hired a Space Invader arcade machine for a month or so, and every time we visited his place, we could play the game for free.

I was too young to remember where he got the machine from or how much it cost for him, but I do remember that I managed to keep the highest score among our entire family for while.

I dedicate this squid pattern to my long gone grandfather for our memory of the Space Invaders.





Hook: TMC 2312 #8
Eye: Chain eye (gold / silver)
Tentacles: Round rubber leggs (grizzly), Kristal Flash (olive brown)
Arms: Saddle hackle feather (white)
Body: Wool dubbing material (white)

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