02 June 2012

River Snapper

I hooked up a nice fish on Friday.

On its first run, I lost all of my fly line, and it came clear to me that the fish was heading towards a sunken timber. I was lucky that I could turn the fish around just before it got to the cover.

It then started to swim upstream. The fish passed in front of me, and headed for another snag. It was getting too dark to see what was going on, and again I was lucky to be able to steer the fish away from the snag. When the fish turned, I could barely see a swirl and it was right next to a branch sticking out of water.

The fish made its last attempt for freedom by swimming along the tussock to see anywhere to hide. Again luck was on my side. The water was too low for the fish to find away into reed, and I had an advantage of standing deeper water to pull fish towards me. As the fish was running away in the ankle deep water, the only thing I could see was a black dorsal fin moving along the bank.

I took time to bring the fish to the surface and into the net as I have lost many good fish by being too hasty.
It was a fat and strong fish, and it was clearly passing 40cm mark which is a very good size to land these days at least around Perth metro water. Its body was very high and if it was pink, people would say I caught snapper.


ヒットからの最初のランで、フライラインを全部引き出し、倒れて沈んだ木に向かって一直線。運良く手前でターンしたものの、今度は、自分の前を通過して、 そのまま上流にあるもう一つの沈み木に向かってダッシュ。周りは暗くて、魚がどの位の距離にいるのかが良く分かりませんでしたが、ヤバいと思いリールを パーミングでロックさせて、魚を反転させると、魚のキックで出来た水の渦は、半分沈んでいる木の枝の直ぐ手前でした。



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