22 January 2014

Canon Pro-1 printer

The new printer came to our house.

There is a few choices on the market in terms of good photo printers, and I finally settled for Canon Pro-1 for a few reasons.  Firstly, I am quite familiar with its operation as I have been using the same model for our Photography classes at school. Secondly, I have already seen some great prints coming out of this printer. Thirdly, comparable printers from EPSON are considerable more expensive than Pro-1 in Australia for some reason.

After setting it up, which took like an hour, I did a few test prints, and I noticed that the prints which came out were rather darker / underexposed than what I expected. I thought our printer at school (identical to mine) punches out images brighter.  Once the school holiday is over, I am going to print out the identical files to compare the results between two printers.

Anyway, I find the easiest way to fix the problem at this stage is to print out a pattern print using Canon's plug-in printing software called Canon Print Studio Pro, and pick one I like most from all those combinations of brightness and contrast.  It looks like I need to increase the brightness by 15 (whatever the number stands for) to get the image looks closer to what I see on my Mac monitor.




プリントの明るさの問題ですが、キャノンのPrint Studio ProというLightroomのプラグインを使って、パターン・プリントをプリントアウトして、好みの明るさとコントラストのコンビネーションを選ぶのが現時点での一番簡単な解決法かと思います。僕の作業環境では、明るさをプラス15位に調整するとプリンターで見る絵に近い感じになるようです。

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