17 January 2012

Another creative approach

I found a lure while I was fishing yesterday. Its line was caught around a rock and the lure was just poking its head out of water. When I pulled it out to throw it into the bin, it came with a big ball sinker to my surprise.

It looked me that the lure was one of those deep diving minnows, and I don't know how much deeper he or she wanted to go by adding a chunky sinker to a lure which is already going deep, but obviously the whole thing went too deep.

I have no idea if the person knew what he or she was doing, or there is any remarkable logic behind this strange rig, but I can say that creativity is good for fishing at least. To outsmart those elusive fish, we have to try a different approach sometime. Usually the conventional wisdom prevails, much like how this lure snagged up, but on a rare occasion a seemingly absurd idea can produce a good result, and that is another reason why fishing is so interesting.

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