15 January 2012

Sunday excursion to Mandurah

My friend Albert and I went to fish in Mandurah today. We were hoping to catch some whiting down there.

Before we ventured out to sand flats to find schools of whiting, we fished for bream around a boat harbour. Those pylon fish were as finicky as ever, but I manged to hook one nice fish. The fish however knew its game pretty well, and it cut me off against a pylon.

For whiting, unfortunately we didn't see any schools. There were odd fish here and there, and Albert managed to got one while he was prospecting along a drop off.

So, we left flats and went to fish for herring at the Dawesville Cut. It was pain in a neck to walk and fish on those rocks but I soon saw some fish swimming past between underwater rocks along the drop off. As I was letting my streamer swim over the rocks, fish were dashing out to hit my fly.

Soon after a couple of dolphins showed up. They looked to be mother and cub, and the mother was pushing fish against the rocky shore line. She went pass in front of us chasing our fish, and we thought fishing was over. I guess she knew where to find fish as well. A cleaver lady, I thought.

Albert casting his popper fly.


お目当てのキスは、フラットにはまだ入って来ていないようだったので、MandurahのDawesville Cutと言う、海と入り江を繋ぐチャネルに行き先を変更。岩場で足下が悪く釣りやすい場所では無いのですが、地元ではポピュラーな釣り場です。岸から数メートルのドロップオフの岩礁帯に沿ってフライをトレースすると、どこからともなく魚が現れてフライにアタックしてきます。



"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

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